Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Proposal

As we walked to the hotel, I could only think of how I was going to do it. What would I say? I hadn't prepared any elaborate preface. I didn't care whether it was a fairy tale or not, but I wanted it to be memorable for both of us. So, we found our destination...The Rotunda at Cafe Pierre. It was more beautiful than I expected and I was happy to sit with Cara on one of the couches and order a glass of wine. I really and truly have no idea what was said while we sat at the table sipping our wine and eating olives, but I know that it was great. No more stalling...I had to do something. I transferred the ring from my coat to my pants pocket which meant that it was really going to happen. To seal the moment, I walked down to the lounge where Nancy Winston was playing the piano. I requested a song from one of our favourite CDs...La Vie en Rose. I explained that I would be proposing to my girlfriend and she was very accomodating. I returned to the Rotunda to bring Cara down to the piano and Cara instantly recognized the song. "Did you request this?" "Yes." I didn't have much time to get up the courage while Nancy played the song. Nancy says, "This song is dedicated to Cara and Jamie." That was my cue and I kneeled down to ask her to marry me. My knee hadn't even reached the floor before she began to cry. I had to hold myself together to ask her and I'm not sure that she ever heard me ask the question, but she said "Yes!" The rest, as they say, is history. Love you, babe.

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