Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Big Performance

We've all been waiting for this moment!!!
You've heard it before...
Question: How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
Answer: Practice, practice, practice.
Well, Cara's practicing payed off! After the family arrived, we all were entertained by the UT Wind Ensemble in that amazing venue. Although they played three other pieces, I can only remember Corigliano's Circus Maximus. It was stunning...again!!! The sound in Carnegie was even better than what I experienced at Bass Concert Hall. Throughout the piece, I just felt that I was witnessing something spectacular, momentous........historical. Maybe I'm biased, but it is such a moving piece. I even teared up during the movement entitled "The prayer." The trumpets in the balconies surrounding the audience gave me chills and the deafening volume instilled a sense of terror at times. I never wanted the piece to end and even as I write this, I crave the piercing sounds of the clarinets as they wail out those incredible animalistic calls. Man! What a piece of music. Bravo, Corigliano!!!

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