So, after the show, there was a buzz in the air. Cara and I were very happy to have our families there to meet for the first time. We all went to dinner at a Northern Italian restaurant near broadway called Nocello's. It was a great choice. We had over 20 people (Cindi and Steve and Cristin, Mom and Jimmy, Yates and Joanne, Aunt Connie, Lisa and Rick, Tom and Maria, Eric, Taylor, Morgan, Kelly, Michael and Grandmom and Pop)! It was a great time and the food was great! It was at this point that I realized that a very special moment was approaching.
During my trip to Boston and D.C. in December and January, I had asked Steve (Cara's dad) if he would allow me to marry his daughter (of course, that's Cara). Since that day, I had been preparing to do it. Cara didn't know anything and I was hoping that no one would tell her. I couldn't keep myself from telling people and I was just hoping that no one would let it slip. I had been carrying this ring for several weeks, planning to try to create an appropriate moment to ask Cara. Whenever I tried to plan a trip out of Austin for us, Cara would always have some reason why we shouldn't go. As you can imagine, it was a little frustrating that I couldn't just create the moment by taking her to Enchanted Rock just outside of Austin or Galveston on the coast of Texas. She just wouldn't budge...I've got to practice this weekend or I've got to do my laundry or I don't feel like going out of town this weekend. I was going crazy!!! And, I'm sure that Cindi was equally stressed as I soon found out after dinner when I approached her to ask if Steve had informed her of my intentions. It was a classic moment.
Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy asks father for her hand in marriage, boy delays asking girl unknowingly driving the mother insane....hahaha.
Well, I promised Cindi that I would do it on Monday (not that I needed any motivation). I knew that Cara and I would be alone on Monday and that would be my opportunity.