Sunday, October 28, 2007

Joe's Halloween Party

Last night we attended our first Halloween party of the year. Joe and Bethany hosted the party at "the Playgirl Mansion." The costumes are always creative and often very funny. I wasn't too fond of the backwards James D. Watson, who speaks out of his a**, but I gave kudos for creativity. If you don't get the joke, don't expect me to explain it. Other costumes included Shawn from Shawn of the Dead, Little Bo Peep, Dude and The Stranger from the Big Lebowski, Hugh Hefner and Holly (the hosts), a Texas Hockey Player, John Lennon and Yoko, Lucy in the Skies, Two Butterflies and the Big Bad Wolf.
Cara and I dressed as Donald Trump and Miss USA aka Miss Guided. Here's a few pics from the party:

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