Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Day After Christmas

Well, I survived christmas all alone out here in Texas. Not really. I had a very nice Christmas day dinner with a sweet lady, Patty, who invited me to join her and her friends. It was a very nice day. I met some interesting people. Fortunately, for me, they were scientists (archaeologists) so I was able to discuss much science. Did you know that yellowstone national park is actually volcanic and the park rests inside an active caldera? Or, that there was once a glacial lake in Montana, Idaho and Washington that was larger than any of the North American great lakes that we know today? You never know what you'll learn at christmas dinner. :)~ Well, I was really thankful to have my friend Hari join me, because I might have been a little out of place with this group of seniors. All in all, it was a good christmas and we came home with gifts. Not only did Patty go out of her way to make us feel comfortable by showering us with gifts, but we also played "dirty" santa. A game in which you draw numbers and pick from random gifts brought by each guest. When it is your turn to pick a gift, you may pick from the unwrapped gifts or you may take a particularly attractive gift that someone has already opened. I am now the fortunate owner of a "sinister" looking decanter whose origins are questionable and whose purpose is equally dumbfounding. I also received some lottery tix that yielded a massive $7 in winnings! So, today I am wallowing in my newly found fortune. Maybe I'll buy myself lunch at my favorite Chinese "fast-food" joint, Hoa Hoa.

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