Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I think I've got a crush on John Edwards!

So, yesterday Former North Carolina Senator and Presidential Candidate John Edwards came to Austin. He gave a speech at Schultz's Beer Garden in downtown Austin. I was late to the event so I missed most of the speech, but afterwards he stuck around for questions. I stuck around, as well, shook his hand and wished him well. At one time, I thought that John was going to be my pick for President in '08, but since he has gone with the radical left on the war, I have presently changed my position. I'm not sure that his plan for an immediate withdrawal of troops is in the best interest of America's Middle East policies. I can't believe that I would say this, but I agree more with Hillary's message that withdrawing troops immediately following the installation of the next president will be a disaster. However, his populist approach is appealing on some level and I believe in universal health care for many reasons including what I feel is most important: preventative care based on genetic testing.
He is a good-looking man, though...I may be developing something of a crush. ;)

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